Days 1-7 or

March 1-7

What Are You Offering to God?


Have you given an offering to the Lord? Maybe it was money, time, or worship. In Leviticus and Numbers, you’ll read about various offerings which were God-prescribed ways to offer something to Him for various reasons: showing devotion to God, acknowledging sin and repentance and desiring forgiveness, and showing thanks to God for His provision and for fellowship, or peace.


The awesome thing about these Old Testament offerings is that when Jesus came, He fulfilled the Old Testament ceremonial law, so there’s no more need for shedding blood to cover our sin since the perfect sacrificial Lamb died once for the sin of the whole world. The Old Testament priests and sacrifices foreshadowed the ultimate Sacrifice who was simultaneously our Great High Priest. Therefore, as you read Leviticus, remember that it’s not outdated laws from another time but a picture of your redemption realized in Christ. This is what Peter understood after the resurrection, and then he proclaimed boldly this gospel to the crowds on the day of Pentecost which you’ll read about in Acts along with so many other historical accounts of disciples telling the gospel story.


This week, you’ll read…


LEVITICUS 1-7: The following links will explain the various offerings.

What is the Burnt Offering?

What is the Grain Offering?

What is the Peace (Fellowship) Offering?

What is the Sin Offering?

What is the Guilt (Trespass) Offering?


NUMBERS 1-7: “May the Lord bless you and protect you; may the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; may the Lord look with favor on you and give you peace” (Numbers 6 CSB).


PSALMS 31-33: Sometimes we get the mistaken notion that God was not merciful or gracious in the Old Testament. The truth is that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8). Read about God’s grace in Psalm 32 this week as King David recalls his sin. “How joyful is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered! How joyful is a person whom the Lord does not charge with iniquity and in whose spirit is no deceit!” (CSB)


ACTS 1-7: You’ll experience the exciting birth of the church as the Holy Spirit falls upon the believers and empowers them to share the gospel even in the face of persecution.

Pick One of Four Plans Below:

Whole Bible,

New Testament,

Old Testament, or

Chapter per Day


Day 1 or March 1:

*Leviticus 1 (click to read chapter)

*Numbers 1

*Acts 1


Day 2 or March 2:

*Leviticus 2

*Numbers 2

*Psalm 31

*Acts 2


Day 3 or March 3:

*Leviticus 3

*Numbers 3

*Acts 3


Day 4 or March 4:

*Leviticus 4

*Numbers 4

*Psalm 32

*Acts 4


Day 5 or March 5:

*Leviticus 5

*Numbers 5

*Acts 5


Day 6 or March 6:

*Leviticus 6

*Numbers 6

*Psalm 33

*Acts 6


Day 7 or March 7:

*Leviticus 7

*Numbers 7

*Acts 7


Day 1 or March 1:

*Acts 1 (click to read chapter)

Day 2 or March 2:

*Acts 2


Day 3 or March 3:

*Acts 3


Day 4 or March 4:

*Acts 4


Day 5 or March 5:

*Acts 5


Day 6 or March 6:

*Acts 6


Day 7 or March 7:

*Acts 7


Day 1 or March 1:

*Leviticus 1 (click to read chapter)

*Numbers 1


Day 2 or March 2:

*Leviticus 2

*Numbers 2

*Psalm 31


Day 3 or March 3:

*Leviticus 3

*Numbers 3


Day 4 or March 4:

*Leviticus 4

*Numbers 4

*Psalm 32


Day 5 or March 5:

*Leviticus 5

*Numbers 5


Day 6 or March 6:

*Leviticus 6

*Numbers 6

*Psalm 33


Day 7 or March 7:

*Leviticus 7

*Numbers 7


Day 1 or March 1:

*Acts 2 (click to read chapter)


Day 2 or March 2:

*Psalm 31


Day 3 or March 3:

*Acts 4


Day 4 or March 4:

*Psalm 32


Day 5 or March 5:

*Acts 5


Day 6 or March 6:

*Psalm 33


Day 7 or March 7:

*Acts 7